Work & Career

There are particular moments in time when crucial books found me, podcasts were thankfully queued in my phone or courses nudged at me, begging to be taken. I am grateful for each and every one of the below resources and find myself referring them to people time and time again. Regardless of age, gender or any particular life circumstance, I have found these tools to be universal. I hope they offer something to you, the way they did for me


Hello Monday Elizabeth Gilbert on career vs calling

The Tim Ferris Show #430 Elizabeth Gilbert’s Creative Path: Saying No, Trusting Your Intuition, Index Cards, Integrity Checks, Grief, Awe, and Much More

Human Design Podcast Your Path Might Look Different Than You Think

Books & Courses

The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron - I can say without a shadow of a doubt that this book changed my life, or as Julia would say “I changed my life” using this book. Through a 12-week process, you are guided to uncover an often unheard or under-celebrated self – your inner creative

A Job to Love from The School of Life - A beautiful, practical and succinct tool kit for accessing your interests, talents and future direction. If the spiritual jargon is too much for you or a loved one, this book is such a healthy balance of philosophy and practicality and offers a grounding approach to the area of self discovery

Discover Your Dharma by Sahara Rose - Using archetypes and Ayurvedic principles of purpose and potential, this book is a short, digestible and practical way to use spiritual principles to highlight the areas of your life you excel in, ask yourself meaningful questions, and allow clues and insights to surface, guiding you towards clarity