
Astrology holds the key to the archetypes at play in your life and personality. Your natal chart is a screenshot of the sky at the time of your birth and denotes which houses and signs the planets fall into, within the 12-house wheel of the zodiac. If you’re wanting to know more than the big three (sun, moon and rising) here are some incredible references for easy learning or interesting listening


Did you know we have all 12 signs of the zodiac within our chart? Below you will find App recommendations to help you identify which part of your life the different signs influence. Once you have that knowledge, run it through Spirit Daughter’s breakdown of the high and low side of each sign on the Expanded Podcast(approximately 32 minutes into the episode if you wish to skip ahead)

I would recommend any and all podcasts you can find with Danielle Beinstein. You can begin listening here

Expanded x Ep. 33: Danielle Beinstein: Psychological Astrologer

Online & Apps

Time Passages is the nerdy co-star. Need I say more?

Moon x is a blend of the moon cycle and your astrological profile. Enjoy the daily moon forecast it delivers and learn how to dance with the changing energies of this magical luminary

Have you ever heard of Astro Travel or Astro Cartography? Just as the placement of the planets in the sky form our natal chart, you can map where the energies of the planets fell over the globe at the time of your birth. Have you ever had an inexplicable urge to move or visit a place? See if there any any energies at play, encouraging you to dance with the magic present for you at that destination


Danielle Beinstein’s Intro to Astrology course is an amazing tool and allows you to layer the meaning behind the houses, signs and planets co-existing together. Make sure you sign up to her fortnightly Newsletter that tracks the New and Full moon. She is the most beautiful writer and observer of human behaviour