
During an early astrology session, I told the reader, “I’m not actively manifesting anything”. For me, manifesting had become a check-list type of principle I had engaged with. She quickly corrected me, explaining that we are manifesting all the time and that what I was expressing to her was that I wasn’t consciously manifesting anything in that moment. That notion has always stayed with me

Look around your life at the people you’re meeting, the opportunities available to you and the situations occurring - this is all a manifestation in itself

Since that point I have engaged with manifestation very differently, using the tools below

To Be Magnetic approaches manifestation in a very Carl Jung type of way – “until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate”

Their meditations deeply assist with making the unconscious known, and therefore granting you tools to be able to action change in your life and bring about a reality you are more actively co-creating

On top of that, through the lens of Human Design, you can discover whether you are a non-specific (manifestations based on how you want to feel rather than filling in the blanks with specific outcomes) or a specific (getting clear on the detail) manifestor. This information can shape the way you dance with the universe when getting clear on the things you’re wanting. I hope the below resources help shift your view of manifestation and bring you closer to your soul-wants


The Balanced Blonde - Soul on Fire Ep 310. Lacy Phillips of To Be Magnetic on Manifestation, Financial Freedom & Stepping Back from the Spotlight

Online & Apps

To Be Magnetic An amazing platform full of meditations to help re-program your subconscious beliefs through the understanding of Neuroplasticity (the brains ability to rewire). The exercises included in the monthly subscription or one-off packages bring awareness to often unconscious beliefs or looping thought patterns in such a powerful way and allow you to begin working with manifestation from a very active and empowered place

My Human Design App will clearly provide you with knowledge on whether you are a specific or non-specific manifestor and offer tips for how to engage with this information

Books & Courses

To Be Magnetic Free Clarity Exercise A great place to start with TBM. See how it feels for you and if it leads you to a few clues

Outrageous Openness: Letting the Divine Take the Lead The most beautiful reframe on dancing with the divine and manifesting the things designed for us in the timing meant for us