Human Design readings

We get told so often what we should be doing, how we should be eating, should be exercising, what we should want from life. What if you were supported to discover a way of life that was as unique as you are?

“Sometimes you need that little reminder to tap back into your true authentic self, and Mads’ sessions nurture the practice on exactly how we can do this.”

Liv Bryant

Book a reading

Whether you are new to Human Design or a returning client, each session will:

  • Put you in touch with your inherent nature

  • give you the space to explore the events unfolding in your life

  • empower you with knowledge, spiritual guidance and practical advice interpreted directly from your unique chart blueprint

  • bring about more aligned flow, synchronicity and opportunities

All readings are virtual and recorded so you can listen back and really live your design

Deciding between 60 and 90 minutes? The longer we have, the deeper we can go

60 minute reading
+ Recording


60 minute readings are intended for those curious about the basics of their Human Design, and allows returning clients to review their life circumstances through the lens of this powerful and personalised tool

90 minute reading
+ Recording


90 minute readings are designed to go deeper to decipher how the information present in Human Design can be applied to your unique life experiences, relationships, work dynamics and more

Human Design gives you a roadmap to living your perfect alignment. A reading offers you the perfect tool for shifting from living with shoulds to living with ease.

People who’ve had readings with Mads find:

  • Clarity around how to live in alignment

  • A sense of joy and ease as they make decisions using their human design

  • A deep knowing of who they are and where they’re going 

  • A trusted guide for knowledge, support and accountability

“Learning about my human design has been utterly transformative. From our first session I understood myself on a much deeper level.”

— Vickie Biggs

The topic of readings will depend on you and your goals. Clients tend to discuss topics such as:

Purpose & Intuition

Daily routine


Career & Income



Love & Fear

Self-promotion and business presence

Looking for
ongoing support?

Integrate your design into your everyday! Explore working together through follow up sessions*

30 minute session
+ Recording


60 minute session
+ Recording


90 minute session
+ Recording


*Follow up sessions are for those who have had an intro 60 or 90 minute reading, or have participated in the cosmic community or deep dive

hear from

Mads’ clients!

“The session informed so much of how I now run my business, based on how work works for me.”

Vickie Biggs
Intuitive Healer + Founder
The Dream Of

“Clarity and energy is what I took away from our magical session!”

Liv Bryant
Infrastructure Sustainability + ESG
Foresight Group

“I have to be honest – I am a bit sceptical when it comes to these kind of things. I went into my session with a completely open mind, without any expectations and it was amazing. It gave me so much insight into who I am as a person, it enlightened me in lots of different areas and helped me better understand why I am how I am”

Laura Saraiva
Senior Creative